Details of Enhancements to Forza Motorsport for 2024 Unveiled
- Jan 10, 2024
- 151

Released in October 2023, Forza Motorsport received a warmly positive reception that stopped short of being exuberant. In the following months, Turn 10 Studios dedicated themselves to enhancing the game, taking cues from their player base. Moving into 2024, they have now outlined three key areas of focus for improvement:
Car Progression: Turn 10 has taken note of the community's mixed feelings on the progression system within Forza Motorsport and is investigating modifications to increase its appeal and enjoyment for players.
Forza Race Regulations: The studio acknowledges that the current Forza Race Regulations sometimes operate differently than planned, so they are refining this system by utilizing feedback from veteran racers.
AI Driving Behavior: Responding to critiques of the AI's driving habits, including erratic braking, sluggish exits from turns, and inflexible adherence to racing lines, Turn 10 aims to temper the overly belligerent AI to enable a more polished race commencement.
Forza Motorsport became available for PC and Xbox Series S/X on October 10 and is part of the Game Pass lineup.